Friday, March 25, 2016

Yet another book....published!

Hello all! So today I just got the chance to put up the book 'How To Be A Girl' from my other pen names, which I unpublished from. I will leave the link below and I hope all of you will go and check it out! Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

picking a label for your book

Hello all! Today I will be talking about picking a label for your book.

Why have labels? Well they make two kinds of distinctions. The first one is the genre of the book. Secondly it defines your target audience.
Now there are different types of genres to choose from.
- romance
- thriller
- mystery / crime
- science fiction
- fantasy
- horror
- general/ literary
- inspirational
- children
- young adult
- adult
There must be one primary category for your book. You can mix categories as well, but one category must remain dominant.
Why have a dominant category? Well the dominant category determines where the book store or library chooses to shelf your book.

- happy writing-

picking your target audience

Hello all! Today I will be talking about picking your target audience.

- think about if you are going to write for a specific gender
- writing for a certain age
how old are they
each age has different reading habits
each age group responds differently to cover art, tittles, back cover
knowing the age group also helps to build a marketing plan for your book
Exercise (optional)
write a paragraph describing your ideal reader as precisely as you can. Include : age, gender, hobbies, thought patterns, likes, and dislikes. Don't edit it until the next day and then save if for later when you begin to write your book.
-happy writing-

Revision of the book 'The Meeting'

After months of telling myself that I will revise another one of my books, I have finally started too. The book 'The Meeting' has been in the process of revision and I am pleased to say that it is almost finished! I will leave a synopsis of the book down below. 

'Branded an outcast, a monster, William travels through life completely alone. His body aching for the love he has been denied for centuries. Giving up seems like the only option for William. But... one fateful night he meets his salvation. A tantalizing tale of a forbidden romance starts to blossom. Will he be able to finally know how it feels to be unconditionally loved or will he be forever alone in darkness.'

A new facebook page

Hello all! Recently I have been trying to log onto my facebook page and found that I have misplaced my password and cannot seem to re new it. So, I have created a new one which I will leave the link down below.

Sindy's Doggy Treats

I just re uploaded a new version of 'Sindy's Doggy Treats' to and it has been approved to be distributed out. You can sample and purchase this at your favorite retailers.

-inktera (formerly page foundry)
-baker and taylor blio
-baker and taylor axis360
-gardners extended retail
-gardners library

Hello all!

Hello there! I'm back with a new pen name. I unpublished my books so I could re edit them and put them under one pen name instead of two. My other pen names were Alice Grimstar, Constantine O' Ryan, and L. Rose. I also put up new covers for the books. Hopefully they are more pleasing to the eye.